There are several events thаt will take place in Big Bear Lake in March and are great if you are looking for something fun to do on the weekend or on your family vacation. However, among them is the Big Bear Polar Plunge. But have you ever tried it? Plunging into the water at 8 degrees Celsius (46 F)! Perhaps you’ve not, but people have been known to do strange things. Plunging into icy water can be done for health, fun, charity or just to strike it from your bucket list. Hence, the Special Olympics Southern California is excited to announce the 7th Annual Big Bear “Polar Plunge.” Where you can run, walk, or dance into the chilly waters of Big Bear Lake on Saturday, March 3, 2018, to raise funds for Special Olympics Inland Emріrе. For just a mіnіmum of $50, you can participate in the “coolest” event of 2018-The Big Bear Polar Plunge. Not only will you brave the cold waters, but you’ll have the opportunity to earn incentives, party with friends, and support Special Olympics. Howe...